Kase’s weekly metals forecast provides a highly accurate near-term outlook for LME non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, tin, and nickel), COMEX precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium), spot gold, and gold ETF prices. The analysis includes exact targets, probable direction, and the odds of meeting each target.
The forecast is based purely upon quantitative and technical analysis and is balanced against underlying fundamental pressures on prices. The weekly report is a short-term forecast that focuses on the next few weeks and also outlines the impacts of the longer-term outlook. The daily updates are a much shorter day-to-day analysis of price action and how technical factors are changing.
Kase offers a complementary four-issue trial of the Commentary. Contact us today or fill out the trial request form to get started.
Key Features and Information
- Probable direction and strength of direction
- Definition of exact targets and odds of meeting each target
- Identification of dual scenarios, such as up then down or vice versa
- Identifies the most important support and resistance levels
- Includes primary and secondary scenarios for directional calls
- Daily updates
- Access to Kase one-on-one support
- Published weekly, 46-times per year
Base Report
- Pricing for Base Report
- $750 per month for up to three users
- $1500 per month for a site license (unlimited users at one site/location)
- $1900 per month for a site license (unlimited users within the company worldwide)
- Weekly Report Covers
- LME, CME, SHFE Copper
- LME and SHFE Aluminum, Lead, Nickel, Tin and Zinc
- CME Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium
- Spot Gold
- Gold/Silver Ratio
- US Dollar Index
- Select Gold and Silver ETFs
- Daily Updates Cover
- LME, CME, SHFE Copper
- CME Gold
Extended Report
- Pricing for Extended Report
- $2500 per month for up to three users
- $3000 per month for a site license (unlimited users at one site/location)
- $3750 per month for a site license (unlimited users within the company worldwide)
- Weekly Report Covers
- LME, CME, SHFE Copper
- LME and SHFE Aluminum, Lead, Nickel, Tin and Zinc
- CME Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium
- Spot Gold
- Gold/Silver Ratio
- US Dollar Index
- Select Gold and Silver ETFs
- Daily Updates Cover
- LME, CME, SHFE Copper
- LME and SHFE Aluminum, Lead, Nickel, Tin and Zinc
- CME Gold
For more information about pricing and private trader discounts please contact us at 505-237-1600 or take a trial by filling out the trial request form.